ticketclever - Screenshot

Using a unique train ticket algorithm to make day-to-day travel easier

Case Study

Using a unique train ticket algorithm to make day-to-day travel easier - Screenshot

About ticketclever

Ticketclever was an online retail website that sold train tickets for services in the United Kingdom. The company’s algorithm searched through numerous ticket combinations from millions of different route combinations and packaged them together to reduce the cost of travelling for customers.


They have talented developers and we’ve reached a good working rhythm, they’re definitely responsive.

Bill Johnson

How we made a difference

  • The Problem

    Ticketclever wanted a mobile app that utilised its unique train ticket algorithm to make day-to-day travel easier and more user friendly for regular commuters.

  • The Solution

    The Distance developed a mobile app solution that delivers a personalised experience across the entire customer journey, from the initial onboarding through to daily use. The app utilises GPS and user metadata to tailor journey information to individual customers. It enables users to plan their journeys and presents them with a detailed travel plan, ensuring they have all the information they need on hand throughout their journey. This includes their digital ticket (stored as a QR code), which is quickly and easily accessed via the intuitive app interface.

  • The Result

    The resulting app succeeded in delivering a highly streamlined user experience that drastically simplified the ticket-buying experience. As well as the core travel planning and ticket-purchasing features, the app facilitates the management of weekly and monthly rollup season tickets and enables automatic refund claiming. An innovative and highly focused design, the app looks set to change the face of the travel app market.

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