All the information you need, all in one place, to make Tour Leaders’ lives easier

Case Study

All the information you need, all in one place, to make Tour Leaders’ lives easier - Screenshot

About G2 Travel

G2 provides B2B wholesale, group-only tour operator services to the travel trade. The organisation operates on a global scale. The GTrip mobile application is a key tool for the company’s Tour Leaders, enabling them keep up to date with developments on the tour they are leading. It also allows Tour Leaders to liaise directly with G2 staff so that any issues can be raised and resolved easily. Download the App

How we made a difference

  • The Problem

    Previously, Tour Leaders used paper documents to keep track of tour activities. These were regularly lost or damaged. It also resulted in a clumsy and cumbersome system that required manual, paper-and-pen updates when changes to tours were made. This resulted in too many delays, mistakes and operational inefficiencies.

    G2 tour staff also had to contend with the problem of not knowing a Tour Leader’s location. This had serious safety implications. For instance, in the event of a serious incident such as a terrorist attack, G2 staff would not know if a tour was impacted.

  • The Solution

    The Distance worked alongside G2 to create the 'GTrip - Tour Leader App.' The app provides Tour Leaders with the latest tour information, keeping them up to date with any scheduling or itinerary changes.

    G2 staff can also use the app to track and communicate with Tour Leaders. These messages are sent directly from the Content Management System, ensuring Tour leaders are alert to any safety and security issues, as well as day-to-day travel concerns.

  • The Result

    Due to GTrip, G2 now benefits from a much more efficient travel service. Improved communication between G2 staff and Tour Leaders results in a slicker and safer tour experience for customers and ensures the organisation and its employees can respond to changing circumstances with the utmost ease.

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